
Building the code

By default, the code is built in release mode. To build a debug version, use

$ mkdir builddebug
$ cd builddebug
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug ..
$ make

For a release version, use -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release

Running the tests

$ make
$ make test

Note that “make test” alone is dangerous because it does not rebuild any tests if either the library or the test files themselves need rebuilding. It’s not possible to fix this with cmake because cmake cannot add build dependencies to built-in targets. To make sure that everything is up-to-date, run “make” before running “make test”!


To build with the flags for coverage testing enabled and get coverage:

$ mkdir buildcoverage
$ cd buildcoverage
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=coverage
$ make
$ make test
$ make coverage

Unfortunately, it is not possible to get 100% coverage for some files, mainly due to gcc’s generation of two destructors for dynamic and non- dynamic instances. For abstract base classes and for classes that prevent stack and static allocation, this causes one of the destructors to be reported as uncovered.

There are also issues with some functions in header files that are incorrectly reported as uncovered due to inlining, as well as the impossibility of covering defensive assert(false) statements, such as an assert in the default branch of a switch, where the switch is meant to handle all possible cases explicitly.

If you run a binary and get lots of warnings about a “merge mismatch for summaries”, this is caused by having made changes to the source that add or remove code that was previously run, so the new coverage output cannot sensibly be merged into the old coverage output. You can get rid of this problem by running

$ make clean-coverage

This deletes all the .gcda files, allowing the merge to (sometimes) succeed again. If this doesn’t work either, the only remedy is to do a clean build.

If lcov complains about unrecognized lines involving ‘=====’, you can patch geninfo and gcovr as explained here:


Code style

We use a format tool that fixes a whole lot of issues regarding code style. The formatting changes made by the tool are generally sensible (even though they may not be your personal preference in all cases). If there is a case where the formatting really messes things up, consider re-arranging the code to avoid the problem. The convenience of running the entire code base through the pretty-printer far outweighs any minor glitches with pretty printing, and it means that we get consistent code style for free, rather than endlessly having to watch out for formatting issues during code reviews.

As of clang-format-3.7, you can use

// clang-format off
void    unformatted_code  ;
// clang-format on

to suppress formatting for a section of code.

To format specific files:

${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tools/formatcode x.cpp x.h

If no arguments are provided, formatcode reads stdin and writes stdout, so you can easily pipe code into the tool from within an editor. For example, to reformat the entire file in vi (assuming ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/tools is in your PATH):


To re-format all source and header files in the tree:

$ make formatcode

Thread and address sanitizer

Set SANITIZER to “thread” or “address” to build with the corresponding sanitizer enabled.

Updating symbols file

To easily spot new/removed/changed symbols in the library, the debian package maintains a .symbols file that lists all exported symbols present in the library .so. If you add new public symbols to the library, it’s necessary to refresh the symbols file, otherwise the package will fail to build. The easiest way to do that is using bzr-builddeb:

$ bzr bd -- -us -uc -j8  # Don't sign source package or changes file, 8 compiles in parallel
$ # this will exit with an error if symbols file isn't up-to-date
$ cd ../build-area/location-service-[version]
$ ./obj-[arch]/tools/symbol_diff

This creates a diff of the symbols in /tmp/symbols.diff. (The demangled symbols from the debian build are in ./new_symbols.)

Review any changes in /tmp/symbols.diff. If they are OK:

$ cd -
$ patch -p0 < /tmp/symbols.diff

ABI compliance test

To use this, install abi-compliance-checker package from the archives.

You can use abi-compliance-checker to test whether a particular build is ABI compatible with another build. The tool does some source-level analysis in addition to checking library symbols, so it catches things that are potentially dangerous, but won’t be picked up by just looking at the symbol table.

Assume you have built devel in src/devel, and you have a later build in src/mybranch and want to check that mybranch is still compatible. To run the compliance test:

$ cd src
$ abi-compliance-checker -lib libunity-scopes.so -old devel/build/test/abi-compliance/abi.xml -new mybranch/build/test/abi-compliance/abi.xml

The script will take about two minutes to run. Now point your browser at


The report provides a nicely layed-out page with all the details.